Rocky Mountain Outfit — American Mountain Men (AMM) party of Colorado

Steve Chin


March 2009

Steve Chin
Whitewhater, CO
Bossloper #2036
Sponsored by RMO Party, Mentor is Bill Gantic
Member since January 2010

I was born and raised in the territory now called Colorado and currently reside in the country near the Grand River by the town of Whitewater. My main occupation has been in the field of Law Enforcement in various capacities and for 9 years I owned a Outfitting Company in a primitive area on the Grand Mesa National Forest.

I have always been an avid outdoor enthusiast spending much of my youth camping, backpacking, fishing and hunting in the nearby mountains. My hunting travels have taken me through most of the western states including Alaska and three of the Canadian Provinces.

My captivation with the mountain men began at a young age watching Jeremiah Johnson on television and continued through my school years as I found as much reading material as I could find in the school libraries. My interest in mountain men and buck skinning was rekindled a couple of years ago as I ran across articles in some of my reading material. As I renewed my research into the mountain men I ran across the Rocky Mountain Outfit web site and found the Party Booshway only lived a few miles from my residence. I was quickly in touch with the outfit and started my journey as a member of the AMM.

I am a life member of the NRA, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and the Colorado Bighorn Sheep Society. My passions are being outdoors and the AMM and RMO have given me a chance to get away from the rat race that we live in now. I have found the RMO and the AMM to be extremely helpful in separating fact from fiction as there is so much material available that the truth often runs thin.