This is a list of all the quotes that are displayed randomly on the home page. There are some more quotes that have not yet been associated to sketches.
Taking my gun, blankets, a pair of extra moccasins, flint and steel, a hatchet, and my snow shoes, I passed down the river about twelve miles, where I found a comfortable bush cabin, and halted for the night.
Warren FerrisLife in the Rocky Mountains, p.316
[The beaver] proceed up or down a stream as instinct may suggest until they find the best place for wood and undergrowth connected with the most convenient place for building a dam which is constructed by cutting small trees and brush dragging them into the water on both sides of the stream and attaching one end to each bank ....
Osborne RussellJournal of a Trapper, p.224
Finding all things safe, the horses would be turned loose to graze, but always under the eye of a guard.
Washington IrvingThe Adventures of Captain Bonneville, p.67
Finding all things safe, the horses would be turned loose to graze, but always under the eye of a guard.
Washington IrvingThe Adventures of Captain Bonneville, p.67
We traversed the numerous branches of this stream to and fro setting traps when the water would permit
Osborne RussellJournal of a Trapper, p.79
With a few dead willow twigs, fire was kindled, and while the coffee boiled, we reclined on outspread saddle blankets in the warm sun, thoughtfully puffing "Old Virginia" from time-worn clay pipes. Partaking of the nectar-like Java, every drop worth its weight in "beaver", we smoked ....
Lewis GarrardWah-to-Yah and the Taos Trail, p.164
The process of shoe-making with him is reduced to its most simple form. He merely takes two pieces of buffalo (or any other suitable) skin ... these he folds ... to render them foot-shaped, with an awl and the sinew of buffalo or other animal, or small strips of thin deer-skin, ("whang,") he sews the vamps from end to end
Rufus SageRocky Mountain Life, p.155
From some pines, we clipped, with knives, the soft ends of the boughs, and before the fire, in a depression of the ground, spread them down with blankets and robes on top, making a couch, whose ease repaid our trouble.
Lewis GarrardWah-to-Yah and the Taos Trail, p.160
The first snow clothed the ground with its chilling drapery. When we arose, shivering with cold, we kindled fires, and boiled the coffee.
Lewis GarrardWah-to-Yah and the Taos Trail, p.78
...At the close of the day we retired to rest, in the open prairie, as usual, with a blanket for a bed, a saddle for a pillow, a robe for a covering, and the clear blue star studded sky for a canopy. I slept, and gentle visions mingled with my slumbers
Warren FerrisLife in the Rocky Mountains, p.279
I began to practice what I considered the most heroic independence, in roasting a squirrel for myself...
Wm. Drummond StewartEdward Warren, p.43
Water we obtained both for ourselves and horses, by melting snow in our kettles, - a tedious and vexatious process.
Warren FerrisLife in the Rocky Mountains, p.147